Raja Mauja 2022 - Event Speakers

Raja Mauja 2022 - Event Speakers

June 11th, 2022

Dr. Archana Agarwal is a gynaecologist and an obstetrician by profession. She has had years of experience in the field and wishes to educate women on topics like menstrual hygiene, menstrual welfare schemes, etc.

Ms. Deepagiri, a wellness coach and nutrition enthusiast. She wanted to bridge the nutrition gap in our day to day lives by bringing together the best nutrition and knowledge on healthy lifestyle after experiencing great weight loss and health results.So, started NOURISH WELLNESS CENTER where people can come together and enjoy healthier and happier lives .With over 17+ years of experience & thousands of satisfied customers, we have grown by leaps and bounds. Thank you for the opportunity to speak at your event.

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